Who is God?

I remember seeing a minimalist design similar to this with some random sayings and immediately thought this would be a dope T-Shirt, to put the attributes of God, next to the I AM; since that is who he is. The great I AM. We see this in several scriptures when God is either being asked of his identity or sharing who HE is.

Although there are many more names of God than we could fit within this design and remain aesthetically pleasing we chose to highlight some that we as Christians need reminding of who we are and more importantly whose we are when our FAITH is tested. 

Our GOD is called ADONAI: LORD over every situation and circumstance as he reigns sovereign in complete control and authority in the Heavens above as well as the Earth.

One of my favorite attributes or names of God is ELOHIM, which speaks to God the Creator. When pondering the bigness of God’s majesty while considering creation, encompassing all that we see around us that was God-breathed; reminds us not only of how small we are in the grand scheme of the Universe, (humbling isn’t it) but just how great our God is! 

The mere thought that the God of the known and unknown Universe breathed the same life into me is simply astounding. While it can humble you pretty quickly it's also a great reminder of what is possible with God. So when in doubt just look up (if you’ve spent any time on our Instagram you’ll probably notice we use a lot of Galaxy photos now you get it... we hope 😊). 

Why Abba Father?

The initial Shirt designs featured El Shaddai: God Almighty and after some heavy deliberation, we decided to remove this to include Abba: Father. As two adults raised by single Mothers it was important to us that although we both had stepdads in our lives for the majority of our lives, not having our biological fathers played critical roles in our relational development whether good or bad. The FATHER aspect of God was a different kind of love and relationship we both felt important to highlight. While many of you who read and support Grace Abounds Apparel may deal with similar issues, it is our hope and prayer that you are encouraged; that although we may not have one or both parents available, our Heavenly Father is always there and ready to receive us. Whatever state of being we are in, His arms are open, we only need to walk in.

God our Healer

JEHOVAH RAPHA: God our Healer; As I write this, we are in the midst of a Global Pandemic which has claimed more than 2.4 million lives worldwide as of March 2021. Jose and I both survived this virus in the past 30 days. We thank God we both had mild cases; while it was no picnic... we are still here to tell the tale, unlike millions of others.  We know in life most folks will succumb to some illness at some point in their lives; whether it be a common cold, all the way to a deadly disease. We believe God is our Healer and if it is His will, he is faithful and just to provide.

YAHWEH: Mostly Yahweh speaks to the absolute God, the I Am that I Am. In this God is wholly and completely the beginning of everything that was, is, and is to come. He is singular in his independence from anything outside of himself. God does not need anything from us or anything to Be. Yahweh also can speak to the relational or personal attributions of God.

God is the triune; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one. Simply put GOD period.
